

Read what clients say about their experience.

A big connection

It was really surprising how he was calm, and he can give you all his presence.  So, I felt a big connection to something that was deeper in the conversation.


Emanuele, France

Changed the blueprint

My experience meeting him was different.  I just felt joy, and felt like a kid that day.  I didn’t know what he could do.  I didn’t know him at all.  I started to realise something changed in me.  It was almost like he changed the blueprint in me.  I was a very worried person about everything.  I couldn’t get rid of those thoughts.  And he locked it down to what is important right in front of me.


Fatima, USA


He was really engaging with me.  He has a lot of presence.  Like he has a big crew walking behind him.  All this energy was coming to me as he walked over.  He said a lot of very specific things about me.  He was very tactful.  And I looked in my mind, and it was completely empty.


Francesca, England

My life has never been the same.  All for the better.  I was trying to find the deeper wisdoms, and it was accidental that my journey brought me to him.  I was curious to know, with his abilities, what he could see in me, how he could help me on my journey.  I started feeling changes in me happening in his presence.  It was magic.  It felt like my old self falling away.  All the trappings of that old ego, ideas, ideologies, mentalities, habits.  And it just fell away.





This is the real deal

I lost everything.  It really shook my fundamental core beliefs in humanity, and I met many healers.  Within one minute of meeting him, he gave me a sense… I know he did it… a sort of a wave of contentment, of peace, of well-being came through my entire system.. and it lasted.  It has lasted forever.  I still have this incredible sense of peace and contentment.  Life is good.  Life is happy.  Contentment is there.  This is the real deal.


Kimberly, USA


He has transformed by life, and it is not easy for me to put what he has done into words.  But, some words that come to mind are peaceful, relaxed, calm, spacious, empty, accepting.


Nick, Australia


My life, after meeting him, I have positive thinking and a new perspective..


Vee, Thailand


His stories are not normal at all.  I never imagined that such entertainment existed in the world.  And, after meeting him, I definitely feel so light, especially my head, and mind and body.  I am so sure that I am happier.


Marie, Japan


I met him, and it was a great experience for me.  He became a guide when I was looking for a path in my life.  I think less and I enjoy my life more.


Viviana, Chile


I was going through a time, soul-searching, and trying to understand the world, and meeting him changed my way of thinking.  It has been really helpful in the sense that it has helped me to understand certain things about life that I really struggled with.  Like, for instance, pain and suffering and things that are part of life. 


Maris, England